Securing the Future: Innovations & Growth in the Grain Storage Silos

grain storage silos market

Silos provide long-term, economical storage options that are especially advantageous under land-constrained and costly storage situations. This market sector is crucial to the whole grain storage industry because it offers essential storage amenities, boosting farmers’ productivity.

No food is consumed by people in bigger amounts than grains. The increase in grain cultivation has been gradual as production technology improves; however, a great loss in grains may come as a consequence of improper storage of food grains. In the upcoming years, it is anticipated that the growing loss of food grains will propel the grain silos market worldwide. For instance, a World Bank report states that India loses between 12 and 16 million metric tons of food grains annually as a result of post-harvest losses.

Population growth is driving up agricultural productivity worldwide. Despite increased productivity, self-sufficiency remains a major problem resulting from grain losses. The lack of adequate storage facilities is the cause of this grain loss, which lowers costs and reduces farmers’ profits. The global market for grain silos benefits from the requirement for suitable post-harvest storage facilities. Thus, rising demand for large-capacity storage and fluctuating grain prices are the key factors driving this market.

Additionally, because developed and developing nations store vast amounts of grain for export and future use, grain storage is crucial. As a result, crops suffer large losses due to pests, rodents, and birds spoiling grains. Moreover, farmers in the area seldom have large inventories. The quality of data on off-farm grain stocks, which include maize, soybean, wheat and barley, is also poor. Another storage company in the region is enlarging the silo to stock more grain. As a result, during the forecast period, these factors support market growth.

Global Production Trends

Modern, high-tech portable grain storage silos with refreshed and enhanced business platforms are highly sought after. The farm’s productivity and profitability are increased by the one-location, one-login remote farm management system it creates using real-time 3D visualizations, traceability, and financial and input analysis. For instance, Ag Growth International, Inc. (AGI) has created SureTrack 2.0, which combines new management features with hardware and software already in place. Advanced features found in grain storage silos, such as adjustable seismic rating options, optimal temperature control, and the ability to create custom solutions, all work to prevent damage to the material stored inside and increase the product’s lifespan. Through the use of mobile applications, ultrasonic atomizers, and Wi-Fi modules, smart sensors have been introduced by the application of IoT and ML to monitor and control humidity, air temperature, grain moisture, air pressure, CO2 levels, and insect infestation.

Metal Use Case

The use of metal grain silos protects grains from pest, animal, and insect damage during both short-term and long-term storage, which is anticipated to drive up demand for metal silos. Galvanized steel sheets of varying thicknesses are commonly used in manufacturing metal silos of different sizes. This is because galvanized sheets are made by adding a zinc layer on normal steel to prevent oxidation. It is anticipated that the excellent food grain security provided by metal grain silos will increase sales of the silos. In the global grain silo market, a flat-bottom grain silo is anticipated to experience significant growth.

The cost of storing is cheaper for a flat-bottom silo. Therefore, the best option for both short-term and long-term grain storage is a flat-bottom silo. Additionally, grain can be safely stored for an endless amount of time with flat-bottom storage, and it is easier to construct. Additionally, the hopper bottom grain silo’s straightforward unloading procedure is driving up demand for them, which is expected to increase sales.

Market Dynamics and Drivers

The increased production of high-quality grain using efficient post-harvest and storage systems will lead to revenue growth for the grain silos and storage industry systems. The market for grain silos storage will grow faster than average due to the increase in demand for affordable, high-capacity storage.

The two main market factors that will keep the growth rate high are the increasing rates of urbanization and personal disposable income. Grain silos will also be more popular to sell, increasing the need for grain silos and storage solutions as post-harvest losses and food waste rise. The development of grain silos and storage industry systems is expected to accelerate due to various factors, including the increase in demand for wheat from developing nations. For instance, the global wheat stock reached 803 million tons in 2022/23, up from 780 million tons in 2021/22, according to the International Grains Council (IGC). The market expanded during the projected period as a result of this rise in grain production.

Figure 1: Total Grain Production, Million Tons, Global, 2021 to 2023

total grain production

Source: International Grains Council

Moreover, companies aim to achieve global leadership by concentrating on forming alliances, partnerships, and introducing novel products and solutions. Major players can gain an advantage over others by utilizing economies of scale and resources, building a broad distribution network, providing a variety of products, and catering to niche markets with extensive customization. They can also leverage their brand reputation. The American company Sioux Steel Co. acquired SCAFCO Grain Systems Co. in March 2022. With installations in over 80 countries, SCAFCO offers a range of structures, grain bins, handling tools, drying technologies, and accessories. Therefore, Sioux Steel will be much better able to ship goods to customers anywhere in the world if it owns the products, machinery, and plants owned by SCAFCO.

Key Developments

  • In May 2023, the “World’s Largest Grain Storage Plan in the Cooperative Sector” was approved by the government to address the lack of food grain storage capacity in the nation. Several states and Union Territories are presently participating in the pilot project implementation of this initiative. The plan calls for the construction of several agricultural facilities, such as processing units, fair-price stores, decentralized warehouses, and custom hiring centers.
  • In March 2022, a new corn storage facility in Romania was completed by the Silos Cordoba company. With a total capacity of 15,116 m3, the facility houses 43,779 m3 of flat bottom silos with lateral discharge, catwalks, supports, and automation systems in addition to cleaning, drying, and ventilation systems.

In conclusion, the grain storage silos market presents significant opportunities for growth and innovation, driven by rising agriculture production. While facing challenges such as fluctuation in material costs that negatively affect various industry verticals and huge investments in research and development for new and innovative production techniques, the industry is poised to capitalize on technological advancements and innovations to meet the needs of a growing global demand for grain storage silos market.


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